Great Bend Tribune
Chief Justice: Courts often misunderstood
April 7, 2022
In some ways, when the Kansas Supreme Court held its first-ever road trip special session in Great Bend Wednesday, it served as a real-world civics lesson, said the court’s Chief Justice Marla Luckert.
“The court is described as the least understood branch of government,” she said in an interview with the Great Bend Tribune Wednesday afternoon. “We want to give people the chance to see Kansas government in action.”
The Kansas Supreme Court conducted the visit as part of its ongoing outreach to familiarize Kansans with the high court, its work, and the overall role of the Kansas judiciary, Luckert said.
The day included the justices visiting area judicial district offices. They also visited high schools in Great Bend, Hoisington, Claflin, Ellinwood and Larned, and Barton Community College, reaching about 775 students. It concluded with the court hearing two appeals cases that evening in the B-29 Superfortress Ballroom at the Great Bend Events Center.
Longtime Barton County attorney Thomas Berscheidt served as honorary bailiff.